Who is attributed with starting the Atlantic Slave Trade (Buying slaves from Africa and bringing them to Europe)?

Charles II
Christopher Columbus
Prince Henry the Navigator
Thomas Jefferson

Which of those guys was Portuguese?

Prince Henry the Navigator

The correct answer is Christopher Columbus. To find this answer, we need to understand the historical context and timeline of the Atlantic Slave Trade.

First, let's rule out Charles II and Thomas Jefferson. Charles II was the King of England in the 17th century and Thomas Jefferson was the President of the United States in the late 18th century. Both of these historical figures lived after the start of the Atlantic Slave Trade and were not directly responsible for initiating it.

Now, let's consider Prince Henry the Navigator. While Prince Henry had a significant role in promoting and financing Portuguese exploration, he did not himself engage in the Atlantic Slave Trade. His main focus was on finding new trade routes to Africa and Asia, which laid the groundwork for subsequent European exploration.

This leaves us with Christopher Columbus. He embarked on his first transatlantic journey in 1492, which resulted in the "discovery" of the Americas. However, it's important to note that indigenous populations were already living in the Americas, and Columbus was not necessarily the first European to encounter them.

Nevertheless, Columbus's voyages did set in motion the extensive exploration, colonization, and exploitation of the Americas by European powers. As part of this process, the Atlantic Slave Trade began to unfold, with African slaves being forcibly brought to the Americas to work on plantations and in mining operations. Although Columbus himself did not directly engage in the slave trade, his actions and the subsequent European colonization of the Americas laid the foundation for this tragic chapter in history.

In conclusion, while it is true that Prince Henry the Navigator played a vital role in European exploration, it was Christopher Columbus who is attributed with starting the Atlantic Slave Trade, as his journeys led to the establishment of European colonies in the Americas, where the trade in African slaves became deeply entrenched.