Suppose a parabola has an axis of symmetry at mr009-1.jpg, a maximum height of 7 and also passes through the point (–1, 4). Write the equation of the parabola in vertex form.

"axis of symmetry at mr009-1.jpg" is meaningless, since we can't

show images in this forum.

So I will assume something like:
axis of symmetry at x = 5 , (you can change the solution to your data
once you know what it is).

Since the vertex passes through the axis of symmetry, and you told
me the max height is 7, we know the vertex is (5,7)

equation must be
y = a(x-5)^2 + 7
but (-1,4) lies on it, so
4 = a(-6)^2 + 7
-3 = 36a
a = -3/36 = -1/12

y = (-1/12)(x-5)^2 + 7

like I said before, just make the changes to suit your actual data