What is the main conflict of the book "The Ordinary Princess"

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To determine the main conflict of the book "The Ordinary Princess," we first need to understand the plot of the story. "The Ordinary Princess" is a children's fantasy novel written by M. M. Kaye. It tells the story of Princess Amethyst Alexandra Augusta Araminta Adelaide Aurelia Anne, a princess who is born without the traditional appearance of beauty.

In the book, the main conflict centers around Princess Amethyst's struggle with societal expectations and her desire to be accepted for who she truly is. The conflict arises when the King and Queen, Amethyst's parents, become worried that her unconventional appearance will limit her chances of finding a suitable husband. They decide to consult a fairy to bless their daughter, which leads to a twist in the story.

The fairy grants Princess Amethyst the gift of being ordinary, meaning she appears plain and ordinary to everyone around her. While this might seem like a blessing at first, it becomes clear that it presents significant challenges for the princess. Throughout the book, Princess Amethyst faces obstacles such as misunderstandings, mistaken identities, and the societal pressure to conform to conventional beauty standards.

As the story unfolds, the main conflict revolves around Princess Amethyst's journey to find her own path and overcome the limitations imposed on her by others. She strives to convince the people she meets that true beauty lies within oneself and that appearances are not the most important aspect of a person.

In summary, the main conflict of "The Ordinary Princess" is the internal and external struggle faced by Princess Amethyst as she challenges societal expectations, seeks acceptance for who she truly is, and learns to embrace her own individuality.

You’re assuming everyone here has read what you’ve read. That’s rarely true. Sorry.