State two negative change you may encounter as an employee in the future

State Two negative change you may encounter as a student or as an employee

Change is a general transition of something or phase to another state condition

I don't know the meaning of change

As an employee in the future, you may encounter several negative changes. Here are two potential ones with an explanation of how to address them:

1. Layoffs or job loss: Economic downturn, downsizing, or technological advancements can lead to layoffs, resulting in job loss. To prepare for this, it's crucial to stay updated with industry trends and consistently acquire new skills to make yourself more competitive in the job market. Networking, maintaining a strong professional network, and exploring other job opportunities can also help you mitigate the impact of a potential job loss.

2. Reduced job security: The evolving nature of work, such as the rise of gig economy or contract-based employment, may result in reduced job security compared to traditional permanent positions. To counter this, cultivate a diverse set of skills to make yourself adaptable to different roles or industries. Staying proactive and continuously learning can contribute to making yourself more marketable. Additionally, building a strong personal brand and maintaining an excellent professional reputation can provide greater opportunities and job security, even in this changing landscape.

Remember, these are only potential negative changes, and being proactive, adaptable, and continuously improving your skillset can help you navigate any challenges that may arise in your future career.