layal has some ribbons. 2/5 of the ribbons are striped ribbons and the rest are polka-dotted ribbons. 7/9 of the polka-ribbons are blue and the rest are pink. layla has 10 pink polka-dotted ribbons. How many ribbons does she have in all

To solve this problem, we need to follow a step-by-step approach.

Step 1: Calculate the number of blue polka-dotted ribbons.
We are given the proportion 7/9 of the polka-dotted ribbons are blue. If Layla has 10 pink polka-dotted ribbons, then the blue polka-dotted ribbons will be (9/7) times the number of pink polka-dotted ribbons.
Number of blue polka-dotted ribbons = (9/7) * 10 pink polka-dotted ribbons.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of polka-dotted ribbons.
The total number of polka-dotted ribbons is the sum of the blue and pink polka-dotted ribbons.
Total number of polka-dotted ribbons = Number of blue polka-dotted ribbons + Number of pink polka-dotted ribbons.

Step 3: Calculate the total number of ribbons.
The total number of ribbons will be the sum of the polka-dotted and striped ribbons.
Total number of ribbons = Total number of polka-dotted ribbons + Total number of striped ribbons.

Let's calculate the number of ribbons Layla has using these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of blue polka-dotted ribbons.
Number of blue polka-dotted ribbons = (9/7) * 10 pink polka-dotted ribbons
Number of blue polka-dotted ribbons = (9/7) * 10 = 12.857 ribbons

Step 2: Calculate the total number of polka-dotted ribbons.
Total number of polka-dotted ribbons = Number of blue polka-dotted ribbons + Number of pink polka-dotted ribbons
Total number of polka-dotted ribbons = 12.857 + 10 = 22.857 ribbons

Since we cannot have a fraction of a ribbon, we need to round up to the nearest whole number.

Total number of polka-dotted ribbons (rounded up) = 23 ribbons

Step 3: Calculate the total number of ribbons.
Total number of ribbons = Total number of polka-dotted ribbons + Total number of striped ribbons

However, we don't have enough information given to determine the number of striped ribbons, so we cannot calculate the total number of ribbons.