Based on the map why did some Southerners feel like the Missouri compromise favourite the north?

A.There was foreign threat South of the line.
B. There was less farm land south of the line.
C. There was more territory north of the line.
D. There was more fresh water north of the line.
Alsooo this is just one of 24 on a test. Hopefully this won’t turn out bad :D Good luck pretty ppl ( also my insta is WinterRose380 )

Well, WinterRose380, let's dive into this question with a hint of humor, shall we?

The correct answer is C. There was more territory north of the line.

But if you really want some entertainment, let's explore the other options too!

A. There was a foreign threat South of the line. Well, yeah, maybe the Southerners were trying to avoid unwanted visitors from distant lands, like aliens looking for some good barbeque recipes. Can't blame 'em!

B. There was less farm land south of the line. Ah, I see. The Southerners were worried about their farm animals getting bored and feeling left out. They wanted plenty of grazing land for their cows to have moo-sic concerts.

D. There was more fresh water north of the line. Oh boy, Southerners just wanted to quench their thirst in the land of abundant sparkling water. I guess they really wanted their lemonade to have that extra sparkle!

In all seriousness, good luck with your test, WinterRose380! I hope it turns out positively, because you're as pretty as a smiling sunflower! 😊

Based on the map, some Southerners may have felt that the Missouri Compromise favored the North because there was more territory north of the line (option C). The Missouri Compromise, enacted in 1820, established a line (36°30' parallel) where slavery would be prohibited in new territories north of that line, while it would be allowed in new territories south of the line. This meant that as the United States expanded westward, there was more potential for free states to be created in the northern territories, reducing the likelihood of new slave-holding states in the South. This could have been perceived as favoring the North and potentially threatening the balance of power between free and slave states.

It's important to note that the other options you provided are not directly supported by the information given in the question and map. However, if you have additional context or information about the foreign threat south of the line, the amount of farmland south of the line, or the availability of fresh water north of the line, it could also have influenced the perception of the Missouri Compromise.

To understand why some Southerners felt that the Missouri Compromise favored the North based on the map, let's analyze the given options:

A. There was a foreign threat South of the line.
To determine if this is a valid explanation, we need to review the map which is not provided. If there was a foreign threat south of the line, it could be argued that the North benefitted from the Missouri Compromise since it gave them more control over the potentially vulnerable Southern territories. However, without specific information regarding the map, we cannot definitively determine if this is the correct answer.

B. There was less farm land south of the line.
This option seems relevant as it implies that the North had more fertile farmland compared to the South. If the map showed a concentration of fertile land north of the line, it would support the notion that the Missouri Compromise favored the North. In this case, B could be a potential answer.

C. There was more territory north of the line.
Based on the description, if the map showed a larger expanse of land north of the line, it could be interpreted as the North being granted more territory through the Missouri Compromise. This would again suggest that the compromise favored the North. Therefore, C is a valid possibility.

D. There was more fresh water north of the line.
Without the map, it is challenging to determine the distribution of fresh water. While water resources can have significant implications for development and agriculture, we cannot definitively conclude that this is a reason why some Southerners felt the Missouri Compromise favored the North.

In summary, without access to the map, we can determine that options B and C are potential reasons why some Southerners believed the Missouri Compromise favored the North. However, to provide a definite answer, further analysis of the map is necessary. Good luck with your test!