What does Julie's mom teach Julie about throughout the story?

To determine what Julie's mom teaches her throughout the story, we need to analyze the text. We can start by looking for any explicit statements or conversations that mention Julie's mom teaching her something.

First, we can look for dialogue or descriptions of Julie learning from her mom. This might involve her mom giving advice, instructions, or sharing life lessons. Pay attention to any instances where Julie's mom imparts knowledge or offers guidance.

Second, we can observe the interactions between Julie and her mom to identify any recurring themes or messages. This could include Julie's mom modeling certain behaviors or values, such as honesty, kindness, or perseverance.

Lastly, consider the overall story arc and any character development for Julie. Reflect on how her interactions with her mom influence her growth or understanding of the world around her.

By carefully examining these aspects, we can gather information about what Julie's mom teaches her throughout the story.