Julie is snowboarding in a hill with a slope of 0.87. The horizontal distance she travels down the hill is 500m. What is the vertical distance that Julie has travelled?

Please help explain how to do this . I’m having a really hard time. Thank you:)

remember that slope = rise/run

you have the slope and the run, what you need is the rise (vertical distance)
rise/500 = .87
rise = 500(.87) = 435

Thank you !!

How would I find the slope of that vertical line ?

The slope of a vertical line is undefined,

the slope of a horizontal line is zero.

Your question did not ask for the slope of the vertical line.

To find the vertical distance (also known as the vertical drop) that Julie has traveled, we can use the formula:

Vertical Distance = Slope x Horizontal Distance

Given that the slope of the hill is 0.87 and the horizontal distance traveled is 500 meters, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Vertical Distance = 0.87 x 500

To calculate this, multiply 0.87 by 500:

Vertical Distance = 435 meters

Therefore, Julie has traveled a vertical distance of 435 meters.