after allowing a discount of 9% on a article a seller collected this sum of 1865.50 of find the amount of commission paid and the total sales.

yes now I will like to learn the solving

100% - 9% = 91% = .91

1865.50 = .91x

Divide both sides by .91 to find x.

I need answer and explanations

To find the amount of commission paid and the total sales, we first need to determine the original price of the article.

Let's assume the original price of the article is "x." The discount of 9% means that the article was sold for 91% of its original price:

Amount paid = Original Price - Discount
1865.50 = x - (0.09 * x)
1865.50 = x(1 - 0.09)
1865.50 = 0.91x

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.91:

x = 1865.50 / 0.91
x ≈ 2046.15

Therefore, the original price of the article was approximately $2046.15.

Next, we can calculate the amount of commission paid. The commission is usually a percentage of the total sales. Let's assume the commission rate is "c%". Therefore, the commission paid can be calculated as:

Commission Paid = (c/100) * Total Sales

We can rewrite this equation as:

Commission Paid = (c/100) * 2046.15

To find the commission paid, we need to know the commission rate. Without that information, we can't provide an accurate answer.