Begin the discussion by responding to the following prompt:

This 1865 account has a certain style and tone that differs from news stories today. What effect do you think such a report had on readers in 1865? Keep in mind that citizens might have read the report several days after the event occurred. How would today’s 24-hour news cycle affect reporting on such a tragic event? How might those changes alter the way citizens today respond to tragedy? Give your opinion and support it with examples.

Post a detailed response to the 1865 Reporting Discussion prompt. Then respond to two classmates' posts.

Select the link to access the Speaking and Listening Discussion.

In 1865, news reporting had a different style and tone compared to today's news stories. The account of the event that took place in 1865 would have had a significant impact on readers at that time. Due to the lack of immediate access to news, citizens might have read the report several days after the incident occurred. This time gap would have allowed for a certain level of reflection and contemplation before receiving the news.

The tone and style of news reporting in 1865 were usually formal and objective. The focus was on presenting the facts rather than evoking emotions or sensationalizing the event. This reporting approach aimed to inform the public and allow them to form their own opinions without the influence of exaggerated narratives or biased interpretations. The readers would have relied heavily on the credibility of the publication and the journalist's integrity.

On the other hand, today's 24-hour news cycle would drastically affect the reporting of such a tragic event. With the constant pressure for breaking news and updated information, reporters might rush to report without verifying the facts thoroughly. This could lead to misinformation or spreading of rumors, causing unnecessary panic or confusion among the public. Additionally, the focus on immediacy might result in news outlets prioritizing speed over accuracy, potentially compromising the quality of reporting.

Furthermore, the constant exposure to news and the saturation of media coverage would impact the way citizens respond to tragedy today. Continuous bombardment of tragic events through various platforms can desensitize people and make it harder for them to empathize or engage on a deeper level. Additionally, the sensationalized style of reporting might provoke strong emotional reactions, leading to polarized responses and the spread of misinformation through social media.

In my opinion, the 1865 style of news reporting had its merits in allowing citizens time for reflection, independent thinking, and critical analysis. Today's fast-paced news cycle, on the other hand, can lead to a constant state of anxiety and information overload, hindering genuine understanding and thoughtful responses.

Overall, the shift in the style and tone of news reporting, as well as the advent of the 24-hour news cycle, profoundly influences the way citizens today respond to tragedy. It is crucial to maintain a balance between immediacy and accuracy in reporting to ensure that the public is well-informed without being overwhelmed or misinformed. By critically analyzing and engaging with news sources, citizens can play an active role in shaping the narrative and responding effectively to tragic events in the modern media landscape.

Response to Classmate 1:

I agree with your points about the 1865 style of news reporting allowing for reflection and critical thinking. The absence of sensationalism and bias in reporting during that time must have allowed readers to form balanced and informed opinions. Today, the constant flood of information can make it challenging to sift through the noise and separate fact from fiction. It also leads to impulsive responses without thorough consideration. It is essential for citizens to be discerning consumers of news by fact-checking and seeking multiple sources before forming an opinion.

Response to Classmate 2:

Your point about the desensitization of people due to constant exposure to tragic events is valid. With 24-hour news coverage and the viral nature of social media, tragedy becomes almost commonplace. This, in turn, can lead to a sense of helplessness or apathy among citizens. It is crucial for news outlets to strike a balance between reporting important events and providing constructive ways for citizens to engage and take action. Otherwise, tragedy can lose its impact, and the urgency for change might diminish.

can u sum it up

In 1865, news reporting had a formal and objective style and tone, focusing on presenting facts rather than evoking emotions. Readers at that time relied on the credibility of the publication and had time for reflection before receiving the news. Today's 24-hour news cycle, however, promotes immediacy and can lead to rushed and potentially inaccurate reporting. It also exposes citizens to a constant stream of tragic events, potentially desensitizing them and hindering genuine understanding and empathy. The balance between immediacy and accuracy in reporting is crucial, and citizens need to actively engage and critically analyze news sources. Ultimately, the changes in news reporting and the 24-hour news cycle had an impact on how citizens respond to tragedy, with both positive and negative effects.

whats ur oppion on that do u dissagree or agree

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. My purpose is to provide unbiased information and assist with generating responses based on the input given to me. My previous response aimed to summarize and provide analysis based on the prompt and the information provided.

im confused @-@

Response to the prompt:

The 1865 account referenced in the prompt most likely had a significant effect on readers during that time period. Back in 1865, news stories were not as readily available as they are today. Print newspapers were the primary source of news, and people usually received them a few days after the event occurred. This delayed accessibility to news meant that readers had more time to absorb and reflect on the account, allowing it to have a deeper impact on their emotions and perspectives.

The style and tone of the report in 1865 could play a crucial role in shaping the readers' reactions. Given that news reporting was a relatively new and evolving practice at that time, journalists might have approached their writing with a certain sense of solemnity and gravitas. The language used might have been more formal and less sensationalist compared to today's news stories. As a result, the account would have likely invoked a sense of empathy and evoked deep emotions in readers.

Now let's consider the impact of today's 24-hour news cycle on reporting a tragic event like the one mentioned in the prompt. In today's fast-paced media landscape, news is accessible round the clock through various platforms and channels. This continuous news coverage creates a sense of urgency and immediacy, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.

Firstly, the presence of multiple news outlets competing for viewership and readership can lead to sensationalism and the need to provide breaking news as quickly as possible. This pressure to publish often results in less time for reporters to gather all the necessary facts and analyze the situation thoroughly. Consequently, the initial reports may be incomplete or even inaccurate, potentially leading to misinformation and confusion among the public.

Additionally, the constant bombardment of tragic news through the 24-hour news cycle can desensitize individuals to some extent. With tragedy becoming a part of everyday headlines, there is a possibility that citizens today may develop a sort of emotional detachment, as they have become accustomed to the constant influx of tragic events.

In conclusion, the 1865 account with its distinct style and tone would have had a profound impact on readers of that era, allowing for deeper emotional connections and reflection. However, the current 24-hour news cycle with its relentless coverage and potential for sensationalism may affect the way citizens today respond to tragedy. The continuous exposure to tragic events could lead to emotional desensitization, and the rushed nature of reporting may result in incomplete or inaccurate information. It is crucial for both news consumers and journalists to be aware of these factors and seek a balanced approach in order to comprehend tragedies in a meaningful and accurate way.

Note: This response is based on my analysis and understanding as an AI language model. It is important to consider various perspectives and opinions on this topic.