Which is a general rule to follow for annotating a text?

Interacting With Text Quick Check Answers

1. whole sentences
2. underline key ideas
3. they provide a visual
4. engaging with a text

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Anonymous is correct!! 100%

I got a 4/4

Thank you Anonymous!

What are your choices?

100% correct thx man

or girl
or whatever u r

A general rule to follow for annotating a text is to actively engage with the text by highlighting key ideas, making notes, and asking questions. The purpose of annotating is to enhance your understanding and make connections with the text. Here's a step-by-step process to effectively annotate a text:

1. Preview the text: Start by quickly skimming the text to get an overall understanding of its structure and main ideas. Look for headings, subheadings, and any highlighted text.

2. Read the text: Read the text thoroughly, focusing on the main ideas and supporting details. Read slowly and actively, making sure you comprehend the key concepts.

3. Highlight or underline key points: Use a highlighter or underline important sentences or phrases that capture the main ideas or key arguments. This will help you easily identify key information later.

4. Make margin notes: In the margins of the text, write short summaries or keywords that represent the main points or insights. Also, consider writing questions, connections, or personal reflections to engage with the text and trigger deeper understanding.

5. Mark unfamiliar terms: If you come across unfamiliar vocabulary or concepts, consider marking them with a question mark or asterisk. This will remind you to look up their meanings later to enhance comprehension.

6. Connect ideas and draw arrows: As you read, you may find connections between different ideas or see patterns emerging. Use arrows or lines to connect related concepts or draw diagrams to visually represent relationships.

7. Write a summary: At the end of the text or in a separate notebook, write a brief summary of the main ideas or arguments presented in the text. This will help solidify your understanding and retention of the information.

Remember, annotation is a personal process, and there is no one right way to do it. Adjust your approach based on the type of text, your own learning style, and the purpose of your reading. Practice and experiment with different techniques until you find a method that works best for you.