A school club will be competing at a state competition and has been working to raise money for the club's traveling expenses. The scatter plot below shows the amount of money raised each month over a nine-month period beginning in January.

I apologize, but as a text-based AI, I am unable to view or analyze images or scatter plots. However, I can still help you by explaining how to interpret a scatter plot and analyze the amount of money raised each month.

A scatter plot is a graph used to display the relationship between two different variables. In this case, the scatter plot is used to show the relationship between the months (represented on the x-axis) and the amount of money raised (represented on the y-axis). Each point on the scatter plot represents a specific month's amount of money raised.

To analyze the amount of money raised each month, you can do the following:

1. Interpret the graph: Look at the overall pattern of the scatter plot. Is there a clear upward or downward trend? Are there any outliers or unusual observations?

2. Identify the independent variable: In this case, the independent variable is the month. It is plotted on the x-axis and should be labeled accordingly.

3. Identify the dependent variable: The dependent variable is the amount of money raised. It is plotted on the y-axis and should also be labeled accordingly.

4. Determine the relationship: Look for any patterns in the scatter plot. If the points generally tend to move from left to right in an upward direction, it suggests a positive relationship, meaning that as the months progress, the amount of money raised generally increases. If the points trend downward, it suggests a negative relationship. If there is no clear trend, it indicates no relationship or randomness.

5. Analyze specific points: Identify any specific points of interest on the scatter plot, such as outliers or clusters of points. These points may indicate exceptional months or specific fundraising events that you can analyze further.

Remember, without seeing the actual scatter plot or data, we can only discuss general strategies for analyzing scatter plots. It is important to visually examine the scatter plot and assess the data points to draw accurate conclusions about the amount of money raised each month.