How did art change as a result of Renaissance thought? Select the two correct answers.

Art focused more on everyday life.

Paintings focused more on religious themes than they did in the Middle Ages.

Artists portrayed people in a more realistic way.

Mosaic images of religious figures became common during this time.

Artists focused on images of nature and animals.

1. How did art change as a result of Renaissance thought? Select the two correct answers.

Answers: A. Art focused more on everyday life. C. Artists portrayed people in a more realistic way.
2. Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses in order to:
Answer: protest corruption within the Catholic Church.
3.Which ruler started the Church of England?
Answer: D. King Henry VIII

This is for connexus - Unit 2 Lesson 6 : The Renaissance and Rival Kingdoms Quick Check

- Rugrat.
1/25/23 - 10:06 am

Pretty sure its A and C. If i'm wrong my baddd

thx rugrat

Rugrat is correct

To determine the correct answers, let's go through each option and analyze its accuracy in relation to the changes in art as a result of Renaissance thought.

A. Art focused more on everyday life.
During the Renaissance, art did indeed shift its focus to include everyday life. Artists began depicting scenes of daily activities and ordinary people, which was a significant departure from the predominantly religious subjects of the Middle Ages. Therefore, option A is correct.

B. Paintings focused more on religious themes than they did in the Middle Ages.
This statement is not accurate. In contrast to the Middle Ages, Renaissance art exhibited a reduced emphasis on religious themes. Instead, artists explored other subjects, such as classical mythology, humanism, and secular themes. Therefore, option B is incorrect.

C. Artists portrayed people in a more realistic way.
One of the fundamental changes brought about by Renaissance thought was the increased interest in portraying people and objects in a realistic manner. Artists employed techniques such as perspective, shading, and anatomical accuracy to create lifelike representations. Consequently, option C is correct.

D. Mosaic images of religious figures became common during this time.
Although mosaics were a common artistic technique during the Byzantine period, they were not a prominent form of art during the Renaissance. Renaissance artists primarily relied on painting and sculpture as their preferred mediums. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

E. Artists focused on images of nature and animals.
While Renaissance art did feature some imagery of nature and animals, it was not a primary focus. Artists primarily directed their attention towards depictions of humans and human experiences. Consequently, option E is incorrect.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answers are:

A. Art focused more on everyday life.
C. Artists portrayed people in a more realistic way.