What can you infer about Assyrian culture based on this work of art? Select the three correct answers. (1 point) Responses

Assyrians could depict people realistically.
Assyrians did not value works of art.
Assyrians used a written language.
Assyrians sometimes wore accessories.
Assyrians were not skilled sculptors.

Based on the work of art, we can infer the following about Assyrian culture:

1. Assyrians could depict people realistically.
2. Assyrians used a written language.
3. Assyrians sometimes wore accessories.

To infer about Assyrian culture based on a work of art, we need to analyze the artwork and consider historical context. Here are the three correct answers:

1) Assyrians could depict people realistically: By examining the level of detail and accuracy in the representation of human figures in the artwork, we can infer the artistic ability of the Assyrians in creating realistic depictions.

2) Assyrians used a written language: If the artwork contains inscriptions or symbols that resemble known Assyrian script, it suggests their use of a written language. This could convey information about their communication, culture, and literacy.

3) Assyrians sometimes wore accessories: If the artwork features individuals wearing accessories such as jewelry, headpieces, or other adornments, it implies that the Assyrians valued or practiced personal ornamentation.

The incorrect answers are:

- Assyrians did not value works of art: This cannot be inferred solely from a single artwork. Judging an entire culture's value for art based on one piece is an overgeneralization.

- Assyrians were not skilled sculptors: The skill level of a culture in sculpting cannot be determined from one artwork alone. Additionally, Assyrians were known for their skill in sculpting and their monumental stone reliefs.

Remember, artworks should be considered alongside other historical evidence and cultural context to make more comprehensive inferences about a civilization.