What does this statement print?

system.out.printIn(2 + 3 + "bc");


it evaluates left-to-right, so 2+3 is done first.

it evaluates left-to-right, so 2+3 is done first.

The statement `System.out.println(2 + 3 + "bc");` would print `5bc` in the output.

To understand why it prints `5bc`, let's break it down step by step:

1. `2 + 3` adds the integers `2` and `3` together, resulting in `5`.

2. Since the `+` operator is placed between two integers, it performs addition.

3. The next operation is concatenation, denoted by placing the `+` operator between an integer and a string (`"bc"` in this case).

4. When you concatenate an integer with a string, the integer is automatically converted into a string, and then the two strings are joined.

5. So, the `5` obtained from step 1 is converted into the string `"5"` and then concatenated with the string `"bc"`.

6. The final result is the string `"5bc"`, which is then printed to the output.