Which of these were among the lowest class in Aztec society ?

A. Military leaders
B. Traders and farmers
C.prisoners of war
D.nobles and priests

I think it is traders and farmers:D
Please check my answersss!!!!


Yw :)

Here are the answers for Connexus, I will not be on here a lot. (I'm trying to quit cheating)

The capital city of Tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack.
prisoners of war
to keep the god from growing weak
They told stories of the past
the use of an aqueduct



To determine the lowest class in Aztec society, we can examine the options provided:

A. Military leaders: In Aztec society, military leaders held positions of power and influence. They were considered to be higher in the social hierarchy.

B. Traders and farmers: Traders and farmers were part of the commoner class in Aztec society, but they were not the lowest class. They played essential roles in the economy and were respected for their contributions.

C. Prisoners of war: Prisoners of war were typically enslaved and considered to be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. However, they were not a distinct social class but rather individuals from various backgrounds who were captured in battle.

D. Nobles and priests: Nobles and priests held high social status and occupied elite positions in Aztec society. They were not part of the lowest class.

Based on the options provided, prisoners of war would be considered the lowest class in Aztec society.