1) Using A Special Discount ,you download 15 songs for $10.68. The Regular Price Of Each Song is $0.89 What is the percent of the Discount?

2) In A Cranberry Juice Receipt, Four Cups of cranberry juice and one quart of pineapple juice Make up Half of the punch. How many cups of punch Does the receipt Make?

3) You Buy Dog Biscuits At bulk Rate price of $2.25 Per Pound. The Scale Shows The Weight Of 25 Biscuits. Find The Cost Pf 40 Biscuits. Explain how you found Your Answer.

These are the 3 Math problems I’m Stumped on. Please Help Me Quick. :) Thank You! Respond As Soon As You Can!

(10.68/15)/0.89 = 0.80

so, a 20% discount

recipe, not receipt
4 cups + 1 qt = 8 cups
half of that is 4 cups, or 1 quart

x/40 = 2.25/25
x = 3.60

1) To find the percent of the discount, we need to calculate how much we saved compared to the regular price.

Step 1: Calculate the total cost of downloading 15 songs. We are given that we paid $10.68.
Step 2: Calculate the regular price per song. We are given that the regular price of each song is $0.89.
Step 3: Multiply the regular price per song by the total number of songs to find the total regular price. In this case, $0.89 * 15 = $13.35.
Step 4: Calculate the amount of discount by subtracting the total cost from the total regular price. In this case, $13.35 - $10.68 = $2.67.
Step 5: Find the percent of the discount by dividing the discount amount by the total regular price and multiplying by 100. In this case, ($2.67 / $13.35) * 100 = 20%.

So, the percent of the discount is 20%.

2) To find the number of cups of punch in the receipt, we need to determine how much punch is made from the given quantities of cranberry juice and pineapple juice.

Step 1: Determine the total amount of punch made. We are given that four cups of cranberry juice and one quart of pineapple juice make up half of the punch.
Step 2: Convert one quart to cups. Since one quart is equal to four cups, we have four cups of pineapple juice.
Step 3: Add the quantities of cranberry juice and pineapple juice to find the total cups of punch. In this case, 4 cups (cranberry juice) + 4 cups (pineapple juice) = 8 cups (punch).

Therefore, the receipt makes 8 cups of punch.

3) To find the cost of 40 dog biscuits, we need to determine the cost per biscuit based on the weight of 25 biscuits and then calculate the total cost for 40 biscuits.

Step 1: Determine the cost of 25 biscuits. We are given that the weight of 25 biscuits is the bulk rate price of $2.25 per pound.
Step 2: Calculate the cost per biscuit by dividing the total cost by 25. In this case, $2.25 / 25 = $0.09 per biscuit.
Step 3: Calculate the cost of 40 biscuits by multiplying the cost per biscuit by 40. In this case, $0.09 * 40 = $3.60.

Hence, the cost of 40 dog biscuits is $3.60.

Help pls
