What kind of phrase is the underlined portion of the sentence below?

A properly cut diamond is valued "by people" all over the world.
4. Appositive


better review prepositions

1. A girl tells her mother she is volunteering at an animal shelter because it makes her feel good, but the truth is that she has been offered extra credit in one of her classes to do so. Her motivation is

***B. External***

2. In "Why, You Reckon?" the narrator and the man he teams up with are both
***C. Hungry***

3. The speaker in "I, Too, Sing America" survives adversity because he feels
***A. Faith that he will one day be affirmed by white America***

4. At the end of "Why, You Reckon?" the man the narrator teams up with
***A. Runs away***

5. What kind of phrase is the underline portion of the sentence below? A properly cut diamond is valued by people all over the world.
***C. Prepositional phrase***


The underlined portion of the sentence, "by people," is a prepositional phrase.

The underlined portion of the sentence, "by people," is a prepositional phrase.

To identify the type of phrase, you need to understand the function of the words in the phrase. In this case, "by" is a preposition, and "people" is the object of the preposition. Together, they form a prepositional phrase that provides additional information about how the diamond is valued and who values it.