A ribbon, 10 cm 5 mm long,is to be divided in the ratio 1:4. Find the length of each part.

10.5/5 = 2.1

1:4 = 2.1 : 8.4
2cm 1mm
8cm 4mm

Thanks for answering my question

To find the lengths of each part, we can use the concept of ratio.

Step 1: Convert the given length into a single unit.
10 cm 5 mm = (10 cm) + (5 mm)
= (10 cm) + (0.5 cm) [Since 1 cm = 10 mm]
= 10.5 cm

Step 2: Find the total number of parts in the ratio 1:4.
The total number of parts in the ratio 1:4 is 1 + 4 = 5.

Step 3: Divide the total length by the number of parts to find the length per part.
Length per part = Total length / Total number of parts
= 10.5 cm / 5
= 2.1 cm

Step 4: Multiply the length per part by the ratio to find the lengths of each part.
First part = 1 * Length per part
= 1 * 2.1 cm
= 2.1 cm

Second part = 4 * Length per part
= 4 * 2.1 cm
= 8.4 cm

Therefore, the lengths of each part in the ratio 1:4 are 2.1 cm and 8.4 cm, respectively.

To find the length of each part when dividing a ribbon in the ratio 1:4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the length of the ribbon to a single unit (centimeters in this case).
The given length of the ribbon is 10 cm 5 mm. We need to convert the millimeters to centimeters.
1 cm = 10 mm
So, 5 mm = 5/10 cm = 0.5 cm.

Now the length of the ribbon in centimeters is 10 cm + 0.5 cm = 10.5 cm.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio.
The ratio is 1:4, which means a total of 1 + 4 = 5 parts.

Step 3: Determine the length of each part.
To find the length of each part, divide the total length of the ribbon by the total number of parts (5).

Length of each part = Total length of the ribbon / Total number of parts
= 10.5 cm / 5
= 2.1 cm.

The length of each part when dividing the ribbon in the ratio 1:4 is 2.1 cm.