A piece of ribbon is 4 yards long. Jeff cuts the ribbon into x pieces, with no ribbon leftover. If each piece is 9 inches long, what is the value of x?

To find the value of x, we need to convert the length of the ribbon from yards to inches and then divide by the length of each piece.

First, let's convert 4 yards to inches. Since there are 3 feet in a yard and 12 inches in a foot, we have:

4 yards * 3 feet/yard * 12 inches/foot = 144 inches

Now, we divide the length of the ribbon in inches by the length of each piece:

144 inches / 9 inches/piece = 16 pieces

Therefore, the value of x is 16. Jeff cuts the ribbon into 16 pieces.

To find the value of x, we need to figure out how many pieces of 9 inches can fit in a 4-yard long ribbon.

First, let's convert 4 yards to inches. Since there are 3 feet in a yard and 12 inches in a foot, we can calculate:

4 yards = (4 * 3) feet = 12 feet
12 feet = 12 * 12 = 144 inches

Now that we know the ribbon is 144 inches long, we can divide this measurement by the length of each piece (9 inches) to find the number of pieces:

144 inches / 9 inches = 16

So, Jeff can cut the 4-yard long ribbon into 16 pieces of 9 inches each. Therefore, the value of x is 16.

Nine-Inch Ribbon A piece of ribbon is yards longJeff cuts the ribbon into x equal pieces, with no ribbon left over. If each piece is 9 inches long, what is the value of ?

4 yards = 36 * 4 = 144 inches

144/9 = x