An elevator can safely carry "d" people. There are already 3/4 d​ people in the elevator when another 12 people are allowed to board it.The total number of people now on the elevator equals the number of people the elevator can safely carry. How many people can the elevator carry?

d = 3/4 d + 12

1/4 d = 12
d = 48

That's some huge elevator!

Yeah lol! Thanks Mate!

To find the number of people the elevator can safely carry, we need to solve the equation that equates the number of people in the elevator after adding 12 people (3/4 d + 12) to the number of people the elevator can safely carry (d).

So, the equation is:
3/4 d + 12 = d

To solve for d, we will first eliminate the fraction by multiplying every term in the equation by 4:
4(3/4 d + 12) = 4d
3d + 48 = 4d

Next, we need to isolate the "d" term, so we subtract 3d from both sides:
3d + 48 - 3d = 4d - 3d
48 = d

Therefore, the elevator can safely carry 48 people.