Mrs. Copeland works at the school for 40 hours a week. Before she became a teacher, she used to work at a school for 15 hours a week. By what percentage did the hours Mrs. Copeland works increase?

Are there answer choices ??

Yea umm

A. 6.25%
B. 8.75%

hours increase = 40 - 15 = 25

% increase = (25/15)*100 = ?

actual increase: 40-15 = 25

% increase: 25/15 = 5/3
so that's factor of 2.67 or a 167% increase

To find the percentage increase in the hours Mrs. Copeland works, we need to calculate the difference between her current weekly hours and her previous weekly hours, and then express that difference as a percentage of her previous weekly hours.

First, let's calculate the increase in hours:
Current weekly hours = 40 hours
Previous weekly hours = 15 hours

Increase = Current weekly hours - Previous weekly hours
Increase = 40 hours - 15 hours
Increase = 25 hours

Now, let's calculate the percentage increase:
Percentage Increase = (Increase / Previous weekly hours) * 100

Percentage Increase = (25 hours / 15 hours) * 100
Percentage Increase = 1.6667 * 100
Percentage Increase ≈ 166.67%

Therefore, the hours Mrs. Copeland works increased by approximately 166.67%.