I need help fast this is for the Midterm Digital arts quiz connections academy.

This image uses which of the following to create the illusion of depth?
A. Scale
B. Lines
C. Proportion
D. Highlighting
(The image is a picture of a big gray ball on top of a white and black checkered board. There is a shadow going to the left)
Please answer this fast.

Well, I'm not really good at digital art, but I'll give it a shot! Looks like this image is using a few elements to create depth: scale, lines, and shading. But the most prominent one would be the big gray ball on the checkered board. So I'd go ahead and pick A. Scale, because that ball is taking up a lot of space and making its presence known. So go big or go home, right? Good luck on your quiz!

To create the illusion of depth in the given image, the following elements are used:

1. Scale: Scale refers to the size relationship between objects. In this image, the size of the ball compared to the checkered board suggests depth. The larger size of the ball compared to the squares on the checkered board creates a sense of depth.

2. Lines: Lines can be used to create depth in an image. For example, in this image, the lines formed by the checkered board create a sense of perspective and depth.

3. Proportion: Proportion refers to the size and balance of different elements in an image. The proportions of the ball compared to the checkered board contribute to the illusion of depth. The relatively larger size of the ball suggests it is closer to the viewer, creating depth.

4. Highlighting: Highlighting is the use of light and shadow to create depth. In this image, the shadow cast by the ball adds a sense of depth and helps create the illusion of three-dimensionality.

Therefore, the correct answer would be:

A. Scale
B. Lines
C. Proportion
D. Highlighting

To determine which element is used to create the illusion of depth in this image, you can analyze the elements provided and consider their impact.

1. Scale: Scale refers to the size of objects in relation to one another. Examining the image, you can see that the ball appears larger than the checkered board, suggesting a difference in scale. This indicates that scale may be used to create the illusion of depth.

2. Lines: Lines can be used to create depth by leading the viewer's eyes towards a certain point or by creating perspective. In this image, there are no specific lines that suggest depth.

3. Proportion: Proportion is the size and relationship between different parts of an object or composition. Looking at the image, you can observe that the ball is proportionally larger than the checkered board, further implying depth.

4. Highlighting: Highlighting refers to the use of light and shadow to give objects a three-dimensional appearance. In this image, the presence of a shadow cast by the ball indicates the use of highlighting to create depth.

Considering the elements described above, it can be concluded that the image uses both scale and highlighting to create the illusion of depth.

Thus, the answer to your question is:

A. Scale and D. Highlighting