There are 1050 new students this school year. If 3/5of the total population is boys, find the number of girls.

Well, it depends on how many total students there are but if the total is 1050 which you might've meant then you have to find out what 1/5 of 1050 is or 1050 divided by 5

Please figure out which is correct

A. 1050 divided by 5 is 210
B. 1050 divided by 5 is 525
C. 1050 divided by 5 is 505
D. 1050 divided by 5 is 205

When you figure out which one is correct multiply the answer by 3 and minus it from 1050

1050-3x= the correct answer

Please don't hate me if this is wrong or doesn't make sense! I just tried to put how I did it in my head on paper without giving you the answer. if you have any questions, please post them! Good luck!

-BearyScary <3

To find the number of girls, we first need to calculate the total population of students.

Given that 3/5 of the total population is boys, this means that 2/5 of the total population is girls (since the total population is divided into two parts, boys and girls).

Let's represent the total population as "x".

So, the number of boys is 3/5 of "x", which can be expressed as (3/5) * x.

Similarly, the number of girls is 2/5 of "x", which can be expressed as (2/5) * x.

We know that the total number of students this school year is 1050. Therefore, we can set up an equation:

(3/5) * x + (2/5) * x = 1050.

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x" (the total population).

(3/5 + 2/5) * x = 1050.

(5/5) * x = 1050.

x = 1050.

So, the total population is 1050.

To find the number of girls:
Number of girls = (2/5) * 1050.

Calculating this, we get:

Number of girls = (2/5) * 1050 = 2 * 210 = 420.

Therefore, the number of girls is 420.

hard to say. How many of the total population are new students?