The ratio of girls to boys in the school is 3 to 1. If there is a total of 400 students, how many are boys? The answer must be a whole number.

To find the number of boys, we need to determine the ratio between girls and boys.

The ratio of girls to boys is 3 to 1.
This means that for every 3 girls, there is 1 boy.
We can represent this ratio as 3x girls to x boys, where x is a whole number.

The total number of students is 400, so we can set up the equation:

3x + x = 400

Combining like terms:

4x = 400

Solving for x:

x = 400/4
x = 100

Therefore, there are 100 boys in the school.

Karen can read 10 pages and complete 15 math problems in 30 minutes. How long will it take her to do her homework if she has 30 pages to read and 45 math problems to complete? Your answer should refer to the amount of time in minutes.(1 point)
