Can someone please check my answer?

20. Old Misery- whose real name was Thomas – had once been a builder and decorator. He lived alone in the crippled house, doing for himself: once a week you could see him coming back across the common with bread and vegetables, and once as a voice played in the car – park he put his head over to smash wall up his garden and looked at them.

Which of the following sentences is the best paraphrase of this excerpt?

A. Old Misery, a former Builder and decorator, lived a peaceful life in his damaged house and made weekly trips for food. He paid little mind to the boys who played in the car-park.

B. Old Misery used to be a builder and decorator, but now he lived by himself in his damaged house. His weekly trips for food gave him cause to notice the boys who played in the car-park.

C. Old Misery had once been a builder and decorator and lived alone in his damaged house. He made weekly trips for food and once watch the boys playing in the car-park.

D. Old Misery, or Thomas, was a solitary man who had once been a builder and decorator. His house was damaged but he preferred to make me weekly trips for food and saw the boys playing in the car- park.

I think it's C but I'm not too sure. I would appreciate it if any one would check or correct it. Thank you <3

Well, let's see if I can clown around and help you out here. I believe the best paraphrase of the excerpt would be option B. Old Misery used to be in the construction biz but now lives alone in his beat-up house. He goes out every week to grab some grub and along the way, he takes notice of the boys playing in the car-park. Keep those chuckles coming!

To determine the best paraphrase of the given excerpt, let's break down the key points:

1. Old Misery's real name is Thomas.
2. He used to be a builder and decorator.
3. He lives alone in a damaged house.
4. He goes out once a week to buy bread and vegetables.
5. He noticed the boys playing in the car-park.

Now let's analyze each answer choice:

A. Old Misery, a former Builder and decorator, lived a peaceful life in his damaged house and made weekly trips for food. He paid little mind to the boys who played in the car-park.

This option captures the main points accurately: Old Misery's past profession, his solitary life, the damaged house, and his weekly trips for food. It also mentions that he pays little attention to the boys playing in the car-park, which aligns with the original text.

B. Old Misery used to be a builder and decorator, but now he lived by himself in his damaged house. His weekly trips for food gave him cause to notice the boys who played in the car-park.

This option also includes the relevant information: Old Misery's previous occupation, his solitary living situation, the damaged house, and his weekly trips for food. It makes specific mention of him noticing the boys in the car-park, which is accurate.

C. Old Misery had once been a builder and decorator and lived alone in his damaged house. He made weekly trips for food and once watch the boys playing in the car-park.

This option correctly captures Old Misery's past profession, his solitary life, the damaged house, and the weekly trips for food. However, it includes a small error by stating that Old Misery "once watch" the boys, instead of "watched."

D. Old Misery, or Thomas, was a solitary man who had once been a builder and decorator. His house was damaged but he preferred to make me weekly trips for food and saw the boys playing in the car-park.

This option also conveys the essential details: Old Misery's previous occupation, his solitary status, the damaged house, and the weekly trips for food. However, there is a typo with "me" instead of "his" in "make me weekly trips for food."

Considering the accuracy and grammatical correctness, option A seems to be the best paraphrase of the original excerpt. However, it's always a good idea to check with someone else for an additional opinion.