In the beginning, Aaron had $105 and Chadir had $77.

They both spent an equal amount of money at a fair.
The amounts of money Aaron and Chadir had left were in the ratio 5 : 3.
How much did each of them spend?

Please reply by today

If each spent x, then

(105-x)/(77-x) = 5/3
Now just solve for x

please help!!!

thank you soo much

To find out how much each of them spent, we first need to determine the amount of money they had left after spending.

Let's assume Aaron spent 'x' dollars at the fair. After spending 'x' dollars, Aaron had 105 - x dollars left.

Similarly, let's assume Chadir spent 'x' dollars at the fair. After spending 'x' dollars, Chadir had 77 - x dollars left.

According to the given information, the ratio of the amounts of money Aaron and Chadir had left is 5:3. So we can set up the equation:

(105 - x) / (77 - x) = 5 / 3

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply:

3(105 - x) = 5(77 - x)

Now, let's simplify:

315 - 3x = 385 - 5x

Let's add 5x to both sides:

2x + 315 = 385

Subtract 315 from both sides:

2x = 385 - 315

2x = 70

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 35

Therefore, both Aaron and Chadir spent 35 dollars at the fair.

Note: In the future, please provide more time for a response as the complexity of the question may require additional processing time.