Mabel wants to buy a folding chair. The original price is $20. How much will Mabel pay if she buys it during the sale?

Guys i need the answer to this QUICK

This question doesn't make sense. How am i supposed to solve it when it doesn't show the percent discount it got.

To determine how much Mabel will pay if she buys the folding chair during the sale, we need to know the percentage discount being offered. Let's assume the folding chair is on sale for a 25% discount.

To calculate the discount, we need to find 25% of the original price. To do this, we multiply the original price ($20) by 0.25 (which is the decimal representation of 25%).

Discount = $20 * 0.25 = $5

Now, subtract the discount from the original price to find the sale price of the folding chair.

Sale price = Original price - Discount = $20 - $5 = $15

Therefore, if Mabel buys the folding chair during the sale, she will pay $15.