Translate in to mathematical sentence.

The total amount of Minda paid for 3 kilos fish (f) and 2 kilos beef (b) is Php 500.00.

The total amount of Minda paid for 3 kilos fish (f) and 2 kilos beef (b) is Php 500.00.

Let's translate the given information into a mathematical sentence.

Let's represent the total amount of Minda paid for 3 kilos of fish as "f" and the total amount for 2 kilos of beef as "b." We know that the total amount paid is Php 500.00.

So, the mathematical sentence representing this information would be:
f + b = 500

Therefore, the equation representing the total amount of Minda paid for 3 kilos of fish and 2 kilos of beef is f + b = 500.

3 f + 2 b = 500.00