Question: 2/5 x 3/7

A. 14/15
B. 5/12
C. 6/35******
D. 1/5
Question: 9/10 x 5/7
A. 1 13/15
B. 9/14*****
C. 14/17
D. 4/7
Question: Jenny's lawn is 1/3 of an acre. After mowing 1/2 of the lawn, how much of an acre has she mowed?
A. 1/5
B. 1/6***
C. 1/2
D. 2/5
Question: A leaking bucket is filled to 3/4 capacity. After some time, 1/2 of the water has leaked out. What fraction of the water leaked out of the bucket?
A. 1/4
B. 2/3
C. 3/8***
D. 3/16
Question: Mike plans to run 7/8 mile. He begins running, but 2/3 of the way he pulls a hamstring muscle. What fraction of a mile did he run?
A. 7/12***
B. 14/25
C. 10/11
D. 7/11
This got me a 100% and I hope this work for you to
The Answers:
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A

aNiMe :] is 100% right I got a 100%

no she not right here are the real answers:

that got me a 100% :) trust me

To find the product of two fractions, you simply multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together. Let's solve the first question as an example:

Question: 2/5 x 3/7

Step 1: Multiply the numerators: 2 x 3 = 6.
Step 2: Multiply the denominators: 5 x 7 = 35.

The result is 6/35, which matches option C. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

Similarly, you can solve the other questions using the same method of multiplying the numerators and denominators.