pseudocode for students marks to output the lowest, highest and average mark

Given: int array marks = {...}

int lowestMark()
int lowest = marks[0]
for (int i = 0; i < marks.length(); i++)
if (marks[i] < lowest)
lowest = marks[i]
return lowest

int highestMark()
int highest = marks[0]
for (int i = 0; i < marks.length(); i++)
if (marks[i] > highest)
highest = marks[i]
return highest

int avgMark()
int runningTotal
for (int i = 0; i < marks.length(); i++)
runningTotal += marks[i]
return (marks[i] / marks.length())

Darn, it was all formatted nicely with indents, but it took them away when I submitted it. Sorry about that :/

Sure! Here's a step-by-step pseudocode for finding the lowest, highest, and average mark of a group of students:

1. Initialize variables:
- lowest_mark = infinity
- highest_mark = 0
- total_mark = 0
- student_count = 0

2. Ask for the number of students:
- Input student_count

3. Repeat the following steps for each student:
- Increase student_count by 1
- Ask for the mark of the student:
- Input student_mark
- Add student_mark to total_mark

- If student_mark is less than lowest_mark, then:
- Set lowest_mark to student_mark

- If student_mark is greater than highest_mark, then:
- Set highest_mark to student_mark

4. Calculate the average_mark:
- Set average_mark to total_mark divided by student_count

5. Output the lowest_mark, highest_mark, and average_mark:
- Print "Lowest mark: ", lowest_mark
- Print "Highest mark: ", highest_mark
- Print "Average mark: ", average_mark

And that's it! This pseudocode should help you find the lowest, highest, and average mark of the students' scores.

Sure! Here's the pseudocode to calculate the lowest, highest, and average marks for a group of students:

1. Initialize variables:
- `lowest_mark` = maximum possible mark initially
- `highest_mark` = minimum possible mark initially
- `total_marks` = 0
- `count` = 0 (to keep track of the number of students)

2. Iterate over each student:
- Read the marks of the student as `mark`
- Add `mark` to `total_marks`
- Increment `count` by 1

- Check if `mark` is lower than `lowest_mark`:
- If so, update `lowest_mark` with `mark`

- Check if `mark` is higher than `highest_mark`:
- If so, update `highest_mark` with `mark`

3. Calculate the average mark:
- `average_mark` = `total_marks` divided by `count`

4. Output the results:
- Print `lowest_mark`, `highest_mark`, and `average_mark`

This pseudocode assumes that you already have the marks of all the students stored somewhere. You would need to replace the parts where it says "Read the marks of the student" and "Iterate over each student" with actual code to retrieve the marks from input or any other method of your choice.