What two things could you never eat for lunch and breakfast?

Lunch and dinner!

ask a riddle without saying it :)

To determine the two things that you could never eat for both lunch and breakfast, we need to consider the differences and similarities between the two meals.

Breakfast is typically associated with foods like cereal, eggs, toast, yogurt, smoothies, and fruit. Lunch, on the other hand, often includes items like sandwiches, salads, soups, pasta, and wraps.

Considering these differences, there are two specific food items that you would not commonly have for both breakfast and lunch:

1. Sandwiches: While sandwiches are a popular choice for lunch, they are not typically seen as a traditional breakfast option.

2. Cereal: Cereal is a common choice for breakfast but is rarely considered a lunch item.

So, the two things that you could never eat for both lunch and breakfast are sandwiches and cereal.