What was the unspoken scandal in your town when growing up?

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or live in a specific town, so I don't have any personal knowledge about any unspoken scandals. However, if you want to uncover any unspoken scandals in your town or community, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Gather information: Start by talking to people who have lived in the community for a long time or who have a good knowledge of local history. They might be able to provide some insights into the community's past scandals or controversies.

2. Research local news or historical archives: Check local newspapers, online news platforms, or historical archives to search for any records or articles that may indicate previous scandals. Local archives or libraries may also have resources available for you to explore.

3. Connect with local organizations or interest groups: Engaging with local organizations, historical societies, or interest groups related to your town's history can provide you with valuable information, resources, and potential leads related to unspoken scandals.

4. Engage with the community: Participate in local events, attend town hall meetings, or join community forums to connect with residents and gain insights into the town's history. Often, engaging with the community can uncover information that might not be widely known or discussed.

Remember that uncovering unspoken scandals might require patience, persistence, and respecting people's privacy. Some scandals may be deeply personal or traumatic for individuals involved, so it's important to approach the subject with sensitivity and respect.