The scale of a map is 2cm to 1km. what is the distance between town "a" and town "b" in km when the distance is 20cm

if 2 cm represents 1km

then 1 cm represents 1/2 km
and 20 cm represents 20(1/2) km or 10 km


2/1 = 20/x
cross multiply:
2x = 20
x =10

If the scale of map is 2cm to 1km, what is the ground distance if the distance between two town is to 1ocm

To find the distance between town "a" and town "b" in kilometers when the distance on the map is 20cm, we can use the scale provided.

The scale of the map is 2cm to 1km, which means that 2cm on the map represents 1km in real life.

To convert the distance on the map to kilometers, we can set up the following proportion:

2cm / 1km = 20cm / x km

Cross-multiplying, we get:

2cm * x km = 20cm * 1km
2x km = 20km

Dividing both sides by 2, we find:

x km = 20km / 2
x km = 10km

Therefore, the distance between town "a" and town "b" is 10 kilometers.

To find the distance between town "a" and town "b" in kilometers, we need to use the given scale.

The scale of the map is 2cm to 1km, which means that every 2 centimeters on the map represents a distance of 1 kilometer in reality.

In this case, the distance between town "a" and town "b" on the map is 20cm. So, to find the equivalent distance in kilometers, we can set up a proportion:

2cm / 1km = 20cm / x

Here, "x" represents the distance between town "a" and town "b" in kilometers.

To solve for "x," we can cross-multiply and then divide:

2cm * x = 20cm * 1km

2x = 20

x = 20 / 2

x = 10

Therefore, the distance between town "a" and town "b" is 10 kilometers.