A sales man has a fixed salary of ksh700 a month. In addition, he receives a sales commission that is 10% of this total volume of monthly sales. Write the relationship between the sale man total monthly salary and his sales per month.

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The relationship between the salesman's total monthly salary and his sales per month can be represented by the equation:

Total Monthly Salary = Fixed Salary + Sales Commission

The fixed salary is ksh700, and the sales commission is calculated as 10% of the total volume of monthly sales. Let's represent the total volume of monthly sales as "S".

Therefore, the sales commission can be calculated as 10% of S, which can be written as 0.1 * S.

Substituting the values into the equation, we get:

Total Monthly Salary = 700 + 0.1 * S

This equation represents the relationship between the salesman's total monthly salary and his sales per month.

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