if ABCD is congruent to PQRS then C is congruent to _____


2. if RST =NPQ which of the following is true


and there is 20 questions total

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For the first question, if ABCD is congruent to PQRS, then the corresponding parts of the triangles are congruent. Therefore, if AB is congruent to PQ, BC is congruent to QR, CD is congruent to RS, and DA is congruent to SP, then C is congruent to R. So the correct answer is 3. R.

For the second question, if RST is congruent to NPQ, then the corresponding parts of the triangles are congruent. Therefore, if RS is congruent to NP, ST is congruent to PQ, and RT is congruent to NQ, then T is congruent to Q. So the correct answer is 4. T = Q.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

To determine the answers to these two questions, we need to understand the concept of congruent triangles.

1. If ABCD is congruent to PQRS, it means that all corresponding sides and angles of these two triangles are congruent. In other words, AB is congruent to PQ, BC is congruent to QR, CD is congruent to RS, and AD is congruent to PS.

So, if all corresponding sides are congruent, then angle C in triangle ABCD must also be congruent to _____ (the corresponding angle in triangle PQRS). Looking at the options given, we find that the answer is 3. R.

2. If RST = NPQ, it means that all corresponding sides and angles of these two triangles are congruent. In other words, RS is congruent to NP, ST is congruent to PQ, and RT is congruent to NQ.

Now, let's determine which statement is true. Looking at the options given, we need to determine whether R is congruent to ot. Since there is no information provided about the angles of these triangles, we cannot determine the congruence of R and P based on the given question. Therefore, the answer is not 1. R=P.

Similarly, there is no information provided about the relationship between R and Q. Thus, we cannot conclude that R is congruent to Q. Therefore, the answer is not 2. R=Q.

However, we do know that ST is congruent to PQ. So, the sides of these triangles are congruent. Hence, T is congruent to Q. Therefore, the answer is 4. T=Q.

Remember, these explanations are based on the given information and the concept of congruent triangles. To solve other questions on the unit test, you will need to apply the relevant triangles congruence criteria, such as Side-Side-Side (SSS), Side-Angle-Side (SAS), Angle-Side-Angle (ASA), etc.