A movement called ___ questioned the rule of kings and proposed that people had basic rights. Many people in the Spanish empire did not enjoy these rights. As a result, people in middle America sought _____

The agriculture revolution.
The enlightenment
The Mexican revolution

The movement that questioned the rule of kings and proposed that people had basic rights is known as the Enlightenment. During the Enlightenment, philosophers and thinkers promoted the ideas of individual rights, equality, and the social contract. These ideas challenged the traditional authority of monarchies and laid the groundwork for democratic principles.

In the context of the Spanish empire, where many people did not enjoy these rights, people in middle America sought independence. The lack of basic rights and freedoms in the Spanish empire, along with the oppressive rule of the king, encouraged the people of middle America to strive for self-governance and autonomy.

Therefore, the correct answer is "Independence." The people in middle America sought independence from the Spanish empire in order to secure their own basic rights and freedoms.

A movement called the Enlightenment questioned the rule of kings and proposed that people had basic rights. Many people in the Spanish empire did not enjoy these rights. As a result, people in middle America sought Independence.