The Seneca Falls Convention was the official beginning of which of the following?

(1 point)

women’s rights movement
women’s rights movement

abolition movement
abolition movement

immigrants’ rights movement
immigrants’ rights movement

prison reform movement

women’s rights movement

In their fight for abolition, what did the Grimké sisters realize?

(1 point)

Women lacked full political and social rights.
Women lacked full political and social rights.

Temperance was the only way to achieve a moral society.
Temperance was the only way to achieve a moral society.

Immigrants were being denied the right to vote by nativists.
Immigrants were being denied the right to vote by nativists.

Free African Americans set an example by successfully petitioning the government for suffrage.

Free African Americans set an example by successfully petitioning the government for suffrage.

In which area was there considerable improvement in expanded opportunities for women?

(1 point)






The Seneca Falls Convention is widely regarded as the official beginning of the women's rights movement in the United States. Held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848, the convention was organized by women's rights activists, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. The participants discussed the social, civil, and political rights of women, and adopted the Declaration of Sentiments, which called for women to have equal rights in areas such as education, employment, and suffrage. Therefore, the correct response to the question is: women's rights movement.