In what order does a dynasty gain and lose power in the mandate of heaven?

1- A new dynasty rises, A new dynasty rules, Dynasty grows weak, Mandate of Heaven lost by the dynasty.

2- D, himalayan mountains
3- B, farmers were highly respected ; merchants were little respected
4- A, depended upon those nobles and weakened
5- A & C, life was more peaceful, the silk road increased trade
6- A, to give ancestors income in the afterlife
7- A, introduction of coins
8- B, silk road
9- roads
10- A & C, more people could afford books and read , because new ideas could spread quickly
11- the natural way of the universe
12- logographic script , difficult
13- were too severe
14- C, cruelty of the emperor cause suffering although the Great Wall was an achievement in defense
15- officials enjoy a life of comfort, officials cannot live in home district, exams are required to qualify, positions are not hereditary
16- revival of confucian
17- A, confucianism

100% on Connexus :)

A new dynasty rises

A new dynasty rules
Mandate of heaven lost
They grow weak
Period of violence

all of happy dove answer were right i got a 100%

In order to understand the order in which a dynasty gains and loses power in the Mandate of Heaven, let's break it down into three main stages:

1. Rise to Power: A dynasty gains power when it successfully overthrows the ruling dynasty and establishes itself as the new ruling power. This usually involves a period of political turmoil, rebellion, or warfare. For example, the Han Dynasty rose to power by overthrowing the Qin Dynasty in ancient China.

2. Consolidation of Power: Once a dynasty has gained power, it needs to consolidate its authority. This involves establishing control over the territory, implementing policies to maintain social order, and gaining the acceptance of the people. The dynasty would typically appoint officials, enact laws, and undertake infrastructure projects to strengthen their rule. Consolidation of power is crucial for a dynasty to establish its legitimacy and stability.

3. Loss of Power: A dynasty loses power when it fails to effectively govern and maintain the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven is a traditional Chinese belief that divine approval is necessary for a ruling dynasty to maintain its legitimacy. Factors that can lead to the loss of power include corruption, mismanagement, natural disasters, economic instability, societal unrest, or military defeats. When a dynasty loses the Mandate of Heaven, it often faces rebellion, uprisings, or invasions, which can ultimately result in its downfall.

It is important to note that the order and specific circumstances of the rise and fall of dynasties can vary depending on historical context and specific examples. Studying the history of ancient China or other dynastic systems can provide more detailed and nuanced insights into this topic.