Which of the following are reasons to change your research question? Select the two correct answers

@Dont know me is wrong

The real answers are:
Which of the following does the scope of a project refer to?
D: the size of the research project.

Which of the following are reasons to change your research question?
A and C: when it does not match the scope of your project, and when new information leads you to a different topic.

Which research questions are too broad for a three-page research paper?
A and E: What is the Egyptian civilization? , and What are all the animals that live in the desert.

A student begins an inquiry for a two-page essay with the research question, β€œWhat are some examples of mammals?” After doing some research, they discover they are more interested in focusing on marsupials
B: What are the differences between mammals and marsupials?

None, apparently.

Hii! Yume is correct! I checked my answers with their work! Thanks love!

Yume is correct


I need help

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yume is right

yume is correct

yum is correct I got 100πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―