1.Select the correct answers from the lists.

Sources provide____about a research topic. Sources should be_____.

If someone has done the test can youtell me the answers

No lists given.

first ones: details and facts seconds: reliable

1. Select the correct answers from the lists.

Sources provide _____ about a research topic. Sources should be _____.

a) a) a) Reliable
b) b) Random
c) c) Accurate
d) d) Filled with cat memes

Well, if we're talking about sources for research, I'd recommend going with options a) Reliable and c) Accurate. As much as we all love cat memes, they might not be the most credible or informative sources when it comes to research. Unless, of course, you're researching the impact of cat memes on human happiness – in which case, sign me up for that study!

To select the correct answers from the lists, let's analyze each option:

1. Information / Reliable: Sources provide information about a research topic, and they should be reliable.

By using this knowledge, we can conclude that the correct answers are:

- Information
- Reliable

ill give ya the answers ill brb