use the map to find these latitude and longitude location name the continent in which the location falls

To use a map to find the latitude and longitude location, you can follow these steps:

1. Open an online map service like Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest on your computer or mobile device.

2. In the search bar of the map service, enter the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location you want to find. For example, if the latitude is 40.7128° N and the longitude is 74.0060° W, enter "40.7128, -74.0060" (without quotes).

3. Press the "Enter" key or click on the search icon to retrieve the location on the map.

4. Once the map zooms in to the specific latitude and longitude coordinates, you can explore and navigate the map to find the surrounding area or gather more information.

5. To determine the continent in which the location falls, you can visually identify the location's geographical context on the map. Look for familiar country or regional boundaries or landmarks nearby to determine which continent it belongs to.

For example, if the latitude and longitude coordinates correspond to New York City, you would find it on the eastern coast of the United States, which is part of the North American continent.

Remember that maps may vary, so the interface and features might differ slightly across different map services, but the basic steps will generally be the same.