What are some popular slang words and phrases for millennials?

To find popular slang words and phrases for millennials, you have a couple of options:

1. Online Slang Dictionaries: Visit websites like Urban Dictionary or Slangit to find a comprehensive list of slang words and phrases used by millennials. These platforms allow users to submit and define new terms, ensuring you get an up-to-date collection of popular slang.

2. Social Media Platforms: Explore popular social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. Millennial slang often emerges and spreads through these channels. By following trending hashtags or popular influencers, you can stay in the loop on the latest slang terms.

3. Conversations with Millennials: Interact with millennials directly to learn the slang they commonly use. Engage in conversations with friends, family members, or co-workers who belong to this age group. They can provide insights into the language they use daily.

Remember, slang terms can vary depending on region, community, or even personal preference. It's always a good idea to double-check the meaning and context of a slang term before using it to ensure you fully understand its connotations.