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Ingredient 8 Servings

Dried split peas 2 1/4 c
Water 2 qt
Chopped onion 3/4 c
Chopped celery 1 c
Ham shank 2 lb

The basic recipe for split pea soup serves 8 people. Find the amount of each ingredient needed to serve 32 people.

I am having troubles understanding any of this, I'm sick and have to get this done today, Can someone please help me

I tried my best to make it look okay and readable, please lmk if you cant understand it :)

32 = 4*8

so just multiply all the amounts by 4

Of course! I can help you with this problem step by step.

To find the amount of each ingredient needed to serve 32 people, we can use ratios. We know that the original recipe serves 8 people, so we need to find the ratio of each ingredient to the number of servings.

Let's start with the dried split peas. The original recipe calls for 2 1/4 cups of split peas for 8 servings. To find the amount needed for 32 servings, we can set up a proportion:

(2 1/4 cups) / 8 servings = X / 32 servings

To solve for X, we can cross-multiply:

8 * X = (2 1/4 cups) * 32 servings

Now, we'll calculate 2 1/4 cups as a fraction:

2 1/4 cups = 9/4 cups

Plugging in the values, we have:

8X = (9/4) * 32

To simplify the right side of the equation, we'll multiply the fraction by the whole number:

8X = (9/4) * 32/1

Now, we can simplify and solve for X:

8X = 72/1

Dividing both sides of the equation by 8:

X = (72/1) / 8
X = 72/8
X = 9

Therefore, to serve 32 people, you will need 9 cups of dried split peas.

Now, let's move on to the other ingredients following the same procedure.

For water:
The original recipe calls for 2 quarts for 8 servings. So, the ratio is 2 quarts / 8 servings.
Using the same proportion, we set up the equation:
(2 quarts) / 8 servings = X / 32 servings

The calculations are as follows:
8X = 2 * 32
8X = 64
X = 64 / 8
X = 8

Therefore, to serve 32 people, you will need 8 quarts of water.

For chopped onion:
The original recipe calls for 3/4 cup for 8 servings. So, the ratio is 3/4 cup / 8 servings.
Using the proportion, we have:
(3/4 cup) / 8 servings = X / 32 servings

Here's how the calculations look:
8X = (3/4) * 32
8X = 24/4
X = (24/4) / 8
X = 6/4
X = 3/2

Therefore, to serve 32 people, you will need 1.5 cups of chopped onion.

For chopped celery:
Following the same steps, we have the proportion:
(1 cup) / 8 servings = X / 32 servings

8X = 1 * 32
8X = 32
X = 32 / 8
X = 4

Therefore, to serve 32 people, you will need 4 cups of chopped celery.

For the ham shank:
The original recipe calls for 2 pounds for 8 servings. So, the ratio is 2 pounds / 8 servings.
Using the proportion, we have:
(2 pounds) / 8 servings = X / 32 servings

8X = 2 * 32
8X = 64
X = 64 / 8
X = 8

Therefore, to serve 32 people, you will need 8 pounds of ham shank.