please hurry!!!!

The town of Nicodemus was thriving in 1877 but began to decline over the next two decades for what reason?

The railroads avoided the town, cutting it off from growth.

After the original Exodusters migrated to Kansas, no other African Americans moved there.
What were the Black settlers who migrated to Kansas in 1877 called?



Paul is an election official in the South who is asked to create a flyer sent to African America homes that lists an incorrect location for the next election. Democrats would often change polling places or block the roads to polling places to stifle the Black vote. What were these efforts called?


voter manipulation

As a free Black in the South, you had the right to enter the sharecropping system, which could have been a reliable way to make money when crops were sold. However, many Black sharecroppers did not get what was due to them. Why was that?

They didn’t work hard enough in the field and the land owner took that out of their pay.

They couldn’t read the contract so they had to agree to whatever the land owner gave them.

How long did the system of segregation continue after the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was declared unconstitutional?

15 years

100 years

African Americans who left the rural South for larger cities did so because of what economic benefit?

City workers got all of their wages in one lump sum.

City workers were paid regularly instead of at the end of the season.

What were many African Americans who migrated out of the rural South trying to escape?



What was one way white Southern lawmakers used to strip Blacks of the right to vote?

requirement of a birth certificate to vote

a poll tax

Southern lawmakers put into place a condition that said that only men who were eligible to vote in 1867 or had male family members who were able to vote at that time were qualified to vote. What was this condition called?

a poll tax

the grandfather clause

All changes saved
This system of segregation in America ended with the Civil Rights Act of 1875.



What is gerrymandering?

stuffing the ballot box

manipulating electoral districts to help one party

What was the system in which laborers are bound to a landowner because of debt called?

crop liens


Many Blacks migrated to Africa or to the Western territories to escape unbearable conditions in the South.



In the late 1800s and early 1900s, many African Americans migrated to Liberia, an African nation that was established for what purpose?

as a home for resettled slaves

as a new slave trading post

During Reconstruction, what did white Southerners work to do?

reestablish clear boundaries between Blacks and whites

make sure Blacks had the right to vote

To answer these questions, you would need to refer to historical knowledge of the time period or conduct further research. Here are some suggested steps to find the answers:

1. To find the reason for the decline of the town of Nicodemus, you can search for historical records or articles about the town during that time period. Look for factors such as economic changes, lack of infrastructure development, or other reasons that could have contributed to the decline.

2. To determine what the Black settlers who migrated to Kansas in 1877 were called, you can search for historical sources or articles about the migration of African Americans to Kansas during that time period. Look for terms such as "Black settlers in Kansas" or "migration of Exodusters."

3. To understand the efforts by Democrats to stifle the Black vote, you can research historical accounts, articles, or books about voter suppression during that era. Look for terms such as "election manipulation," "voter suppression tactics," or specific tactics used to disenfranchise African American voters.

4. To find out why many Black sharecroppers did not receive what was due to them, you can research the sharecropping system during that time period. Look for accounts or research on the economic exploitation of Black sharecroppers, including factors such as unfair contracts, exploitation by landowners, or lack of access to resources.

5. To determine how long the system of segregation continued after the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was declared unconstitutional, you can look for information on when segregation laws were officially overturned or dismantled. Research the history of civil rights movements, court cases, or legislative changes that led to the end of formal segregation.

6. To understand the economic benefits for African Americans who migrated to larger cities, you can research the economic conditions of rural areas compared to urban areas during that time period. Look for sources that highlight job opportunities, higher wages, or increased access to services and resources in cities.

7. To find out what many African Americans were trying to escape by migrating out of the rural South, you can look for historical accounts, articles, or research on the conditions faced by African Americans in the rural South during that time period. Look for factors such as poverty, discrimination, lack of opportunities, or hostile racial climates.

8. To understand how white Southern lawmakers stripped Blacks of the right to vote, you can research the history of voting rights and voter suppression in the South during that time period. Look for legislation, policies, or specific tactics used to deny African Americans their voting rights.

9. To determine the condition that required men to have been eligible to vote in 1867 or have male family members who were eligible, you can search for historical records or articles about voting requirements during that time period. Look for terms such as "voting qualifications," "voting restrictions," or specific conditions like the "grandfather clause."

10. The system of segregation did not end with the Civil Rights Act of 1875. To find out when segregation officially ended, you can research the history of civil rights movements, court cases, legislation, or other sources of information that document the timeline of the desegregation process.

11. To understand gerrymandering, you can look for definitions and explanations in political science or civics resources. Look for sources that explain the manipulation and drawing of electoral districts to favor one political party over others.

12. To find out the term for the system in which laborers are bound to a landowner because of debt, you can research historical accounts or articles about labor systems during that time period. Look for terms such as "debt bondage," "peonage," or "contract labor."

13. To determine if many Blacks migrated to Africa or the Western territories to escape conditions in the South, you can search for historical accounts, articles, or research on migration patterns during that time period. Look for sources that highlight reasons for migration, including seeking better economic opportunities, escaping racial discrimination, or pursuing new land.

14. To understand the purpose of Liberia as an African nation, you can research the history of the establishment of Liberia and its relation to African American history. Look for sources that explain the colonization efforts, resettlement of freed slaves, or other factors that led to the establishment of Liberia.

15. To find out what white Southerners worked to do during Reconstruction, you can research historical accounts or articles about the goals and actions of white Southerners during that time period. Look for sources that highlight efforts to regain political power, establish racial hierarchy, restrict the rights of African Americans, or reimpose social and economic control.