You bought a magazine for $5 and four erasers. You spent a total of $25. How much did each eraser cost? Let "e" represent the eraser and write an equation.

4 e = 25 - 5

4 e = 20
e = 5

25 - 5 = 4e

Solve for e.

4e + 5 = 25

e = 25 - 5 / 4
e= 20/4
e= 5

just to check:
5.4 + 5 = 25
20 + 5 = 25

To find out how much each eraser costs, let's set up an equation using the information given.

Let the cost of each eraser be represented by "e." We are told that you bought four erasers, so the total cost of the erasers would be 4e.

You also bought a magazine for $5, so the total amount spent on the magazine and erasers together is $25.

Therefore, we can set up the equation:
4e + 5 = 25

To solve for "e," we'll isolate the term with the "e" coefficient:
4e = 25 - 5
4e = 20

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for "e":
e = 20/4
e = 5

Hence, each eraser costs $5.