1. What is the difference between hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic

solutions? Explain each type of solution.

2. What is the job/functions of the following molecules:


3. What are some differences between plant and animal cells?

4. Would you find a higher concentration of mitochondria in the heart or
skin? Why?

5. What does the esophagus do?

6. Why do we use pigs to model human body systems?

7. Different model types work best for different situations- When would you
use these models:
Computer-generated models-
X-ray of a bone-
Dissected Pig-

Ps. Thanks for any help! @Gliiter Sparkles

1. The difference between hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions lies in the concentration of solutes compared to the concentration inside the cells or across a membrane.

- Hypotonic solutions have a lower concentration of solutes compared to the concentration inside the cell. When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water will move into the cell, potentially causing it to swell and burst (lyse).

- Hypertonic solutions have a higher concentration of solutes compared to the concentration inside the cell. When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, water will move out of the cell, causing it to shrink and potentially become dehydrated.

- Isotonic solutions have an equal concentration of solutes compared to the concentration inside the cell. When a cell is placed in an isotonic solution, there is no net movement of water, and the cell maintains its normal shape and size.

Understanding the differences between these types of solutions is important in fields such as biology, medicine, and physiology, as it helps explain processes like cell membrane dynamics, osmosis, and fluid balance.

2. The functions of the following molecules are:

- tRNA (transfer RNA): tRNA is responsible for transferring amino acids to the ribosomes during protein synthesis. It carries amino acids from the cytoplasm to the ribosome, where they are assembled into proteins based on the instructions provided by mRNA.

- rRNA (ribosomal RNA): rRNA is a key component of ribosomes, which are the cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis. rRNA helps to catalyze the formation of peptide bonds and provides a platform for mRNA and tRNA interaction to assemble proteins.

- mRNA (messenger RNA): mRNA carries the genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. It serves as the template for protein synthesis, carrying the instructions for which amino acids to assemble in the protein chain.

- Ribosomes: Ribosomes are the protein-making factories within the cell. They consist of rRNA and proteins and catalyze the translation of mRNA into protein. Ribosomes provide the site where tRNAs bring specific amino acids based on the instructions encoded in mRNA, enabling the assembly of proteins.

3. Some differences between plant and animal cells include:

- Plant cells have a rigid cell wall composed of cellulose that provides structural support and protection, while animal cells lack a cell wall.
- Plant cells contain chloroplasts, allowing them to perform photosynthesis, whereas animal cells lack chloroplasts.
- Plant cells typically have a large central vacuole, which helps maintain cell turgor pressure and store water, while animal cells have smaller vacuoles or none at all.
- Plant cells may have plasmodesmata, small channels that connect neighboring cells and allow for intercellular communication, which animal cells do not have.
- Animal cells can form various specialized structures like cilia, flagella, and centrioles, while plant cells lack these structures.

4. You would find a higher concentration of mitochondria in the heart compared to the skin. Mitochondria are the cellular organelles responsible for generating energy in the form of ATP through aerobic respiration. The heart is a highly active muscle that requires a constant supply of energy to pump blood, making it a site with high energy demands. Therefore, it contains a greater number of mitochondria to support its metabolic needs. In contrast, the skin is not an organ with high energy demands, so it has fewer mitochondria.

5. The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. Its primary function is to transport food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach through peristaltic contractions. Peristalsis is a coordinated wave-like muscle contraction that propels the food from the mouth to the stomach, allowing for digestion and absorption to occur.

6. Pigs are often used to model human body systems due to several similarities between pig anatomy, physiology, and genetics with those of humans. These similarities make pigs suitable for studying various human diseases, drug development, and surgical procedures. Pigs have similar organ sizes, tissue structure, and metabolic processes to humans, making them valuable models for understanding human physiology and testing potential treatment approaches. Additionally, pigs have a shorter lifespan compared to humans, allowing researchers to study the progression of diseases and treatments over a more manageable timeframe.

7. Different model types are used based on the specific situation and research needs:

- Computer-generated models: Computer-generated models are useful when studying complex systems, molecules, or structures that are difficult to visualize or manipulate in physical forms. They allow researchers to simulate and predict outcomes, conduct virtual experiments, and analyze data in a controlled environment.

- X-ray of a bone: X-ray of a bone is commonly used in medical diagnostics to visualize bone structures, fractures, and abnormalities. X-rays use ionizing radiation to pass through tissues, creating an image based on the different densities of bone and surrounding tissues.

- Dissected Pig: Dissected pig (or other animal specimens) is useful for teaching anatomy, studying organ systems, and identifying anatomical structures. It provides a hands-on approach to understanding the structure and function of various organs and tissues within the body.

These models complement each other and are selected based on their ability to address specific research, educational, or diagnostic purposes.