Merian bought 1 kg of sugar she used 1/4 t bake a cake she has 3/8 remaining how much did she use to bake cake

3/8 what?

what is the density of sugar?

1 - 3/8 = 5/8

Maybe your vague question can be answered using the vague data provided above ...

Mere bought 10kg sugar she used 1/4 of it calculated the amount of sugar used

To determine how much sugar Merian used to bake the cake, we need to calculate the difference between the amount she initially had and the amount remaining after baking the cake.

- Merian bought 1 kg of sugar.
- She used 1/4 of the sugar to bake the cake.
- She has 3/8 of the sugar remaining.

First, we need to find out how much sugar Merian used to bake the cake. To do this, we can multiply the weight of the sugar (1 kg) by the fraction she used (1/4):

1 kg * 1/4 = 1/4 kg

So, Merian used 1/4 kg of sugar to bake the cake.

Next, we can determine the amount of sugar she has remaining by subtracting the amount used from the total amount initially bought:

1 kg - 1/4 kg = 3/4 kg

Therefore, Merian has 3/4 kg of sugar remaining after baking the cake.

Note: If you prefer a numerical answer, you can convert the fractions to decimals or mixed numbers. In this case, 3/8 is equivalent to 0.375 kg, and 1/4 is equivalent to 0.25 kg.