An unknown blue liquid is found. When tested, it has high amounts of hydroxide ions and low amounts of hydronium ions. Is this an acid or a base?(1 point)

An acid because it is a blue liquid.

An acid because it has more hydroxide ions than hydronium ions.

A base because it is a blue liquid.

A base because it has more hydroxide ions than hydronium ions.

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OH- is a hydroxide ion = base

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anonymous is wrong

The correct answer is: A base because it has more hydroxide ions than hydronium ions.

To determine whether the unknown blue liquid is an acid or a base, we can analyze the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) and hydronium ions (H3O+). In water, hydroxide ions (OH-) are found in higher concentrations in bases, while hydronium ions (H3O+) are found in higher concentrations in acids.

Given that the unknown blue liquid has high amounts of hydroxide ions and low amounts of hydronium ions, it indicates that the liquid has a higher pH and is more basic in nature. This is because the hydroxide ions (OH-) are the prevailing species in the solution, suggesting that the solution is more likely to be a base.