In which country has national policy influenced declining NIR to such an extent that the policy has recently

been relaxed?

Α. Mexico

B. India

C. Nigeria

D. China

E. United States


To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the concept of NIR and review the national policies of each country listed.

NIR stands for Natural Increase Rate, which is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate in a given population. In this context, the "declining NIR" refers to a decreasing rate of population growth.

Let's examine the national policies of each country:

A. Mexico: Mexico has implemented various population policies to control population growth, including family planning initiatives. However, in recent years, Mexico has not relaxed its population policies significantly.

B. India: India has been actively implementing population control measures, including family planning programs and education campaigns. However, India's population policies have not been relaxed recently.

C. Nigeria: Nigeria is currently experiencing a high birth rate and rapid population growth. The government has initiated some family planning programs, but they have not significantly influenced the declining NIR.

D. China: China's one-child policy, which was in effect from 1979 to 2015, had a significant impact on the country's NIR. It led to a sharp decline in population growth. However, since 2016, China has relaxed its one-child policy and implemented a two-child policy, allowing families to have up to two children. This policy relaxation aligns with the question and suggests that China may be the correct answer.

E. United States: The United States does not have a national population policy that directly influences the NIR. Therefore, it is less likely to be the correct answer.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is D. China.